Closed-Loop Temperature Control Systems: What's Wrong with Yours

27 July 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


If you use a closed-loop temperature control system for your lasers, you need the temperature of your film fluid to remain steady throughout the day. But if the temperature of your film fluid changes, it's time to find out why. Below are possible reasons and solutions why the film fluid in your closed-loop temperature control system became too hot.

What's Wrong with Your Film Fluid?

A closed-loop temperature control system relies on film fluid to maintain the proper temperature. Film fluid keeps the system cool whenever you use your annealing equipment. However, certain things can affect or change the internal environment of a close-loop temperature control system, including oxidation. 

Oxidation occurs when air enters a closed circuit and changes the makeup of its fluid. When film fluid undergoes oxidation, it becomes acidic enough to smoke or corrode the laser and other parts. The temperature inside the control system will also decrease and become useless. 

Film fluid can also become very hot over time. The fluid's temperature can increase as it circulates through the equipment. If the problem isn't addressed right away, the film fluid inside your closed-loop temperature control system will convert to carbon or something else.

The situations above can disrupt operations throughout your company. In order to solve the issues above, you may need to replace some of the parts inside your closed-loop control system and equipment, including the feedback sensors or thermostat.

How Do You Cool Down the Film Fluid?

Feedback sensors and thermostats regulate the internal temperature of your equipment. The parts can fail to detect the temperature of your film fluid when you use your equipment. In addition, the thermostat should turn off the equipment once it detects a high temperature inside it. If both parts fail to perform their functions accurately, replace them. If you don't know how to access the feedback sensors or thermostat, ask a technician to do it for you.

If a technician determines you need new feedback sensors and/or a thermostat, purchase the parts online. You must obtain the parts from a supplier who specializes in closed-loop temperature control systems. You don't want to replace the parts with something that doesn't fit the specifications and functions of your equipment. The wrong sensors and thermostat may damage your system or cause additional problems for it. 

You can find the replacement parts you need for your closed-loop temperature control system and equipment by contacting a supplier such as Lithography Solutions, LLC today.